Coming to a screen near you - sometime soon!
Coming to a screen near you - sometime soon! ( Photo by Huma Kabakci on Unsplash ) If you having been reading my blog recently you will have noticed that I have been talking a lot making a new short film, and If you have been watching my YouTube channel in the last few weeks you will have noticed I posted my past two short films: Blind (a modern day retelling of Bonnie and Clyde set in South West London) and Luck Of The Draw ( a story about karma and how the universe has a funny way of working). I am proud to announce that I have started pre-production on my new short film. I have a cinematographer, I have a location, and I am actively casting for my leads. This is all I can tell you for now, make sure you are subscribed to my this blog and my YouTube channel, because in the coming weeks and months I will take you through the process of how I wrote, casted, directed, produced and funded my short film. Let me know your thoughts on this blog post in the comment...