Making a YouTube video or a Podcast is just like performing

 Making a YouTube video or a Podcast is just like performing

(Photo by Soundtrapon Unsplash)

Making a YouTube video or a Podcast is just like performing, and in this blog I am going lay out how all three are essentially one in the same. It is important to note when starting out no one sets off wanting to make a bad YouTube video, Podcast, or put on a bad performance. In this example, in all three instances the thing that was off, was the execution of the final product, if you get your execution right then the YouTube video, Podcast, or Performance will work because it will resonate with the audience.

Just like performing, when one makes a YouTube video or Podcast, a lot of preparation goes into it. In Performing one will do in-depth research on their role, create a character and learn their lines, and in the YouTube and Podcast space the same rule of thumb applies. One will do research on whatever topic they are going to talk on, this includes wider reading around the topic, or watching relevant videos. If you are going to interview someone, then you research them as best you can, so that when the time comes you can have an engaging conversation, that your viewers or listeners will not only enjoy, but will be able to gain something from the interview.

In all three there are nerves beforehand, because one has no idea how the end product it going to be received. In some instances you can put out your best work: a YouTube video, Podcast or a performance of a lifetime and it does not resonate. Essentially it is the luck of the draw, You might do something and it is loved and adored and other times this is not the case. When you make YouTube videos, Podcasts or put on performances this is part of the deal, Sometimes you will have success other times failure. It is just life.


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